Iraq’s JOC denies presence of hazardous chemical containers in ports

Shafaq News / Iraq’s Joint Operations Command (JOC) investigated reports of highly explosive chemical materials being stored in Iraqi ports or other locations, potentially threatening public safety, oil facilities, and the country’s economic projects.
In a statement, the Command said it took the matter “seriously, forming a committee led by a senior officer and composed of experts from various technical and administrative departments.”
The committee began its investigation on September 26 and has been conducting inspections for three days. “As of now, no such containers have been confirmed in Iraqi ports or storage areas, though the search is ongoing.”
The Command noted that “containers violating regulations had long been relocated to the Al-Hadama area in Basra, near Iraq’s southern border. This remote desert location poses no threat to residential or industrial areas.”
The Ministry of Finance is handling many of these containers, with some materials being distributed to ministries that can use them, while others are being destroyed according to current regulations, according to the statement.
The Command also highlighted ongoing efforts by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and relevant authorities to ensure the safe disposal or transfer of any hazardous containers, which have been in place for years.