Coordination Framework and Sadrist movement to hold a decisive meeting Tomorrow 2022-01-03T14:27:34.000000Z
Sadrist movement discloses details of corrupt deals in the Ministry of Education 2022-01-03T12:48:29.000000Z
The Sadrists and the Coordination Framework to hold a third meeting in Najaf 2022-01-02T16:02:08.000000Z
The Sadrists will announce forming the largest Parliamentary Bloc, source says 2022-01-02T14:44:56.000000Z
Coordination Framework rolls a roster of five PM candidates al-Sadr "might" accept 2022-01-02T12:16:33.000000Z
Coordination Framework and al-Sadr will form the next government, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq says 2021-12-30T12:34:34.000000Z