Execution for "Abu Hammam" who raped a Yazidi girl after receiving her as a reward from ISIS in Nineveh 2020-03-02T13:05:13.000000Z
6 years in prison for a woman who hid a suicide bomber named "Abu Maha" in Baghdad 2020-02-26T09:52:19.000000Z
Iraqi forces supported the coalition carry out an airdrop, killing and detaining 10 ISIS elements 2020-02-24T12:09:07.000000Z
Despite ISIS defeat in 2017 ... shocking numbers about Iraq’s displaced people 2020-02-23T12:25:43.000000Z
Nineveh MPs collect signatures to prevent the transfer of Iraqi ISIS families from Syria to their governorate 2020-02-20T12:01:02.000000Z
In exchange for a ransom, ISIS releases a young man among 7 who were kidnapped in a disputed area 2020-02-20T08:34:40.000000Z