Barzani demands the Iraqi state with compensation for the victims of Anfal and chemical bombing

Shafaq News / The Democratic Party leader Masoud Barzani demanded on Monday the Iraqi state to compensate the families of Anfal , the genocide and chemical bombing that the people of Kurdistan have been subjected to by the former regime.
Barzani tweeted today, " As we commemorate the 32nd anniversary of the chemical bombardment of Halabja which was an extension of a chain of atrocities against the people of Kurdistan in pursuit of their complete eradication, I pay my utmost respect to the families and loved ones of the victims”.
He added, " We have the right to demand reparations from the Iraqi state, and it is imperative that the Iraqi government does not continue to neglect this matter and to begin to compensate those affected by the genocidal Anfal campaign and the chemical attacks
Saddam Hussein's regime bombed Halabja city with chemical weapons in 1988, killing about 5000 people within a few minutes, in addition to injuring about 10 000 others.