Kurdistan National Congress condoles the death of Nazeera Ismail

Shafaq News / The Feyli Committee mourned in the Kurdistan National Congress on Tuesday the death of the writer, translator and activist Nazeera Ismail.
The head of the Feyli Kurds Organization for Human Rights in Al-Sulaymaniyah governorate, Nazeera Ismail Karim, passed away on Sunday at the age of 67 due to COVID-19 complications.
Nazeera Ismail Karim was born in a Kurdish Feyli family in Baghdad in 1953. She studied geology in the Faculty of Science in 1970, obtained a BA in General Geology, and majored in Paleontology.
In November 1974, she was appointed as a teaching assistant in the Petroleum Engineering Department at the University of Baghdad.
The deceased and her family were deported to Iran in the early eighties of the last century during the expulsion and displacement campaign against the Feyli Kurds and led by the former regime.
Karim worked as an assistant to the Qatari ambassador in Tehran for seven months. Then a translator for English, Persian and Arabic languages at the same embassy for ten years, until her return to Iraq in 2004.
She has translated more than twenty books in the political, economic, social and literary fields within her work at the embassy.
After her return to Iraq, she became an administrative member of the General Council of the Feyli Kurds, Baghdad branch, and worked as the director of the office of the Iraqi Institute for Peace IIP, which is the Baghdad branch of the International Center for Reconciliation, and a member of the executive body and the finance committee of the aforementioned institute.
she continued to work in the field of translation and research in the Feyli
Kurds issues, in addition to her specialization in geology. Karim has literary
works (poetry and prose) in addition to many political and social articles she
wrote to express the suffering of her people.