UN representative Al-Hassani calls for upholding community principles in Basra

UN representative Al-Hassani calls for upholding community principles in Basra

Shafaq News/ The United Nations representative in Iraq, Mohammed Al-Hassani, urged the local government of Basra to uphold community principles, carrying a message from a Jewish woman of Basra origin and highlighting the role of the supreme religious authority.

Al-Hassani stated, "Basra is a historic city with trade origins attracting global attention. We hope it will regain its true regional position. My testimony is biased, but we only see goodness from this Iraqi government for Iraq and its people, and we hope they succeed in their work."

"When I met with the Supreme Religious Authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, he was the primary authority keen on the country's and the region's well-being," he continued, emphasizing, "Iraq is a partner and a founding member of the United Nations, and our partnership continues for the benefit of the community and the region."

Regarding Basra, Al-Hassani noted, "Our view of Basra is positive as it hosts many global festivals and events. You have every right to be proud of this city. I have a message from Jews and Christians, mostly living in the United States, including an Iraqi woman named Huda from Basra, married to the US Ambassador to Oman. They asked me to convey their greetings and regards to the people of this city and visit their areas."

Concerning the Khawr Abd Allah dispute between Iraq and Kuwait, Al-Hassani clarified, "The Khawr Abd Allah issue is specific and cannot be discussed in the media. There is nothing but respect and love between Iraq and Kuwait, both of which suffered from previous events and shared the same harm."

He affirmed, "Iraq's political leadership is determined to restore matters to their rightful course, respecting the United Nations Charter, Kuwait's sovereignty, and independence. The bond between the Kuwaiti and Iraqi peoples is greater than anything that could hinder it."

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