No Shrine for Soleimani in Baghdad Airport

Shafaq News / Today, Tuesday, the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) clarified the news circulated on social media about seizing large surface of Baghdad Airport to build a shrine for Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian commander.
"This news is inaccurate; there is no pressure on the Iraqi government to build a shrine in our international airport” PMF leader Mouin Al-Kadhimi told Shafaq news agency.
"The people of Kerman Province refuse to transfer Soleimani's body to any other region,” He said, “these rumors are spread by people loyal to the United States.”
Soleimani, 62, killed by the US forces in Iraq, was Iran’s pre-eminent military leader - head of the Revolutionary Guards’ overseas Quds Force and the architect of Iran’s spreading influence in the Middle East.
The attack took Washington and its allies into uncharted territory in their confrontation with Iran and its proxy militias across the region.
Soleimani’s body transferred to his hometown Kerman in the southeast of Iran.