This week, the dance of the planets around the sun

Shafaq News/ This week all seven of the planets that make up our solar system will be visible at various points throughout the day.
Venus and Mercury are bright enough to see in the mornings, while Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be easier to see at night.
Earth Sky published a guide to viewing all of these planets, along with Uranus, on its website.
Joe Guzman, an astronomer and educator at After School Matters in Chicago, has already told his students about this week's celestial phenomenon.
"Early this morning, I took the time to get a look at the crescent moon," Guzman told CNN. "And when the sun sets tonight, you'll definitely be able to see Jupiter and Saturn."
"It's the dance of the planets around the sun," Guzman said. "It's a natural phenomenon, and it happens once in a while. It’s not rare, but it is infrequent."