Duhok eases COVID-19 curfew measures

Shafaq News / The Governorate of Duhok announced on Friday lifting the entry ban resuming traffic into the governorate after opening all roads to it.
This comes as Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region, announced earlier today that it will ease the restrictions imposed due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 and allow reopening places that were closed earlier, provided that preventive measures and measures are applied, indicating that movement between the provinces within and outside Kurdistan Region is allowed for necessary cases.
Ali Tatar, Duhok's governor, referred to new facilities to restore life to normalcy while keeping preventive measures in action in the press conference he held earlier today in the governorate building, which was attended by Shafaq News Agency reporter.
The governor said that mosques, as well as tourist sites, restaurants and cafeterias will be opened as well.