Funds were cut from the budget and transferred to unknown destinations, MP says

Shafaq News/ MP of the State of Law coalition revealed on Saturday that funds allocated to governorates and Ministries in the 2021budget were "cut and transferred to unknown destinations".
MP of the State of Law coalition, Aliyah Nasif, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the Parliament voted on the tables attached to the General Budget Law for 2021. However, we were surprised by cutting funds allocated in the tables to governorates and ministries and transferring them to unknown destinations."
"This cut has disrupted the work of the ministries, which have become without projects."
"The money was transferred from the allocations of Baghdad and other governorates, in addition to the ministries of defense, interior, labor and social affairs, to unknown destinations because the Parliament was not informed of the voting schedules."
"There is a fundamental question that needs a clear and explicit answer by the government and the Ministry of Finance: where did the money go and why?"