A joint force of the Iraqi Army and Peshmerga to deploy at the “blue line” areas

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Joint Operations Command confirmed today, Saturday, that joint forces from the Iraqi Army and the Peshmerga would soon deploy at the "blue line,” which separates the points of Kurdistan Region and the federal troops.
The spokesperson for the Command, Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, told Shafaq News Agency, "There is high-level coordination between the Joint Operations Command and the Kurdistan Region," noting that this cooperation "led to forming two joint brigades from the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga forces, to monitor the areas known as the Blue Line.
Al-Khafaji added, "These forces will not be deployed in the disputed areas between the borders of the Region and the federal regions," affirming that "ISIS elements exploited these locations, and therefore the joint forces will fill the gaps.”
“The two brigades will be under the command of the Ministry of Defense.” He said.