Mithal al-Alusi and Iyad al-Jubouri allowed to participate in Iraqi legislative elections
“The former MP , Mithal al-Alusi and MP of Motahedoun (United) bloc and MP Iyad al-Jubouri have submitted an appeal on a decision to exclude them to the Appeal Court, "noting that “ the latter found that the nomination terms are available so it has appealed the decision ,” The spokesman of the Iraqi judiciary , Abdul Sattar al-Bayraktar told “Shafaq News “.
The Appeal Court has ruled out six candidates from participating in the upcoming legislative elections permanently who are; independent MP Sabah al-Saadi , Abd Dhiab al-Ujaili , Haider Mulla from Motahedoun bloc , Jawad al-Shaheli from Ahrar bloc , resigned Minister of Finance , Rafie al-Issawi and the head of al-Uma al- Iraqiya (Iraqi Nation) Party Mithal al-Alusi.