Al-Khamenei's advisor meets with Iraq's former PM

Shafaq News/Iraq's former Prime Minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, on Thursday, met with the senior adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader for international affairs, Ali Akbar Velayati, in the Iranian capital city, Tehran.
"The ties between Baghdad and Tehran are outstanding and profound," Velayati said, "Iran will always side with Iraq, government and people."
The Iranian official commended "the role of Abdul-Mahdi and the competent politicians of his category."
Velayati expressed enthusiasm for "achieving fundamental achievements because of the Iraqi experience and for the interest of Iraqi people."
"The legal action recently is an index that reflects the "the deep intellectual and cultural development," hoping that the results of the recent election could spawn a prosperity move in the country.
For his part, Abdul Mahdi presented a briefing on the situation in Iraq, affirming that Iraq "is facing tough conditions. However, the people with their will and capabilities, can overcome them."