A Katyusha rocket targets the Green Zone

A Katyusha rocket targets the Green Zone

Shafaq News / On Wednesday, missile strikes targeted the Green Zone in central Baghdad, which has been witnessing repeated bombing in the recent period.

A source told Shafaq News, that a Katyusha missile was fired towards the Green City, without giving any further details.

The Security Media Cell clarified that the Katyusha rocket had fallen on a residential complex in the Green Zone.

A statement by the cell stated that” a Katyusha missile was launched from Amil District, near Al-Hadi Mosque, and fell inside the Green Zone, specifically on residential building No. 31 in Al-Qadisiyah residential complex without causing any causalities.”


The attack comes a few hours after two attacks on convoys of trucks carrying equipment for International Coalition Forces in Al-Diwaniyah and Babel governorates.


US forces and interests, as well as the supplies of the international coalition have been attacked repeatedly by unknown armed men suspected of being Pro-Iranian Iraqi fighters.

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