Coordination Framework implies turning to opposition or boycotting the next government 2022-01-26T08:40:41.000000Z
The Shiite Framework will vote for President Barham Salih for a second term, Source 2022-01-25T18:05:15.000000Z
Leading figure in the Coordination Framework appointed an undersecretary of a Ministry 2022-01-23T12:13:07.000000Z
Coordination Framework to change the election commission and law in the next parliamentary term, leading figure say 2022-01-22T14:11:24.000000Z
The Coordination Framework discusses the latest development in the political arena 2022-01-19T18:00:58.000000Z
The Shiite Coordination Framework to discuss the outcomes of Al-Amiri's visit to Erbil 2022-01-18T16:55:12.000000Z
Al-Sadr approves Coordination Framework's nominee for Premiership, source says 2022-01-17T13:32:47.000000Z
Coordination Framework to hold a meeting and discuss al-Sadr-al-Amiri negotiations 2022-01-16T10:53:31.000000Z
A forthcoming meeting of the Coordination Framework to reunify "the Shiite house" 2022-01-14T16:20:00.000000Z
Government to be announced in March, Forces from the Coordination Framework might ally with the Sadrist movement; source 2022-01-12T18:25:06.000000Z