Patriarch Sacco presents an issue to the governor of Dohuk

Shafaq New/Patriarch Cardinal , Maris Louis Raphael Sacco met on Sunday along with Archbishop Mar Raban and Archbishop Mar Basilius Yaldo, Patriarchal Vicar of Dohuk province , Farhad Atrushi in the headquarters of the province.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Governor welcomed the Patriarch and the delegation accompanying him, stressing the importance of mutual cooperation for the benefit of all citizens and the progress of the region.
Patriarch Sacco talked about restricting the voting issue in the Christian component so that their representation and participation would be real in the political process and be considered as capable partners. He also asked him to open an Arabic high school in Sabna area because so many families are sending their children to Dohuk which cost them a lot and this will make job opportunities for some of the people in the area , from his part , the governor welcomed the idea and promised to achieve it before the start of the next school year.