Party calls on KRG to ban a conference organized by Aram Qadir

Shafaq News / The National Alliance, led by Aram Qadir, is scheduled to hold its annual conference tomorrow, Friday. However, its interim leadership urges the Ministry of Interior in the Kurdistan Region to prevent the conference, citing Qadir's removal from the party presidency and membership.
In a statement, the party emphasized that during a comprehensive meeting of its three councils (political, executive, and parliamentary) in al-Sulaymaniyah on December 9th of last year, the leadership unanimously voted to remove Ayoub Nemat Qadir, known as Aram Qadir, from the presidency of the National Alliance and strip him of his membership.
Moreover, it noted that on the same day, an interim leadership was elected to manage the party until the conference, which the legitimate leadership is currently preparing for, after the provincial council elections in Iraq.
The statement urged the Ministry of Interior, al-Sulaymaniyah Governorate, and the General Directorate of Culture in al-Sulaymaniyah not to permit the former president (who has been removed) from holding a gathering on Friday at Talari Honer Hall in al-Sulaymaniyah without obtaining the necessary approval and permit from the Ministry of Interior. The conference, it claimed, aims to bring together a majority of individuals, 95% of whom are not members of the Alliance.
The interim leadership of the National Alliance sees it within their legal and legitimate rights to file complaints against all those who allow this illegal action. It explicitly stated intentions to file a complaint against the ousted Aram Qadir for circumventing the law and illegally gathering individuals from outside the Alliance to convene what is termed as the conference.
The statement cautioned all those invited or deceived into participating in the conference to refrain from attending the event, warning that it would lead to losses for them, as described in the statement.