Iraqi representative: There is no financial deficit in Iraq

Shafaq News / Iraqi Representative Kadhim Al-Sayyadi, said on Wednesday that there is no financial deficit in the Iraqi state, considering the deduction of salaries is a legal crime.
Al-Sayyadi said in a press conference held in the parliament building and attended by Shafaq News agency that, "The session's agenda included voting on a draft law for internal and external financial borrowing to fill the country's budget deficit. I say it, there is no financial deficit in the Iraqi state. The problem resides in never putting "the right person in the right place" and the widespread corruption in the country".
He added that, "there have been more than 200 statements of 200 representatives during the session, adding notes to the law. None of them was took into consideration".
"We were surprised today that the law includes only two articles. This law affects the sovereignty of the state and was rejected by more than the half plus one. There were demands on replacing it, recover the stolen money from inside and outside Iraq, reviewing the bad financial policy and the value of financial waste in border outlets (which is 8 billion dollars), and the waste in oil refineries that reaches more than 20 billion dollars, which is sufficient for salaries", Al-Sayyad explained.
He pointed that, "it was better for Al-Kadhimi to send the Anti-Terrorism Regiment to the ports and border crossings to control the looted Iraqi money".